Affirmations Have Been Proven to Boost Performance
[A Valuable Thread]

Some people like affirmations & some don't.

But most people are using affirmations all day long

And don't know it.

I'll show you how non-traditional affirmations can boost your performance even more. ⬇️
Traditional affirmations don't always feel true.

This can lead to frustration and a lack of results.

You need affirmations that DO feel true to you.

So you don't feel like you're lying to yourself.

You need something that will agree with & better your self-image.
A non-traditional affirmation helps you focus on what you want with positive energy.

And it feeds your mind positivity that you know is true for you.

Therefore there's no longer a conflict going on within yourself.

Plus, you feel good while saying them.
When you feel good saying them, and they feel true, you'll boost your performance more.

I have something in the works for this, so stay tuned.

But since I'm in the process of making this🔥content for you, I'm not promoting anything on this thread.

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