I'm really not sure how hurling (really quite horrible) abuse at JK Rowling furthers the cause for trans people.
It's a complicated issue for a large number of people to get their heads around. I'd like to believe many are sympathetic and empathetic.
This was my take in 2018: https://twitter.com/MisterMatthewUK/status/1023926492022165504
But how are people meant to learn, and in doing so gain a better understanding, if they're afraid to ask questions for fear of being labelled a transphobe or a TERF, or to be told they're "cancelled"?
When they see Rowling attacked, it makes them feel they can't ask anything.
And an absence of questions means an absence of learning. Of understanding.
Just replying to people with "trans <this> are <this>!” might tick the virtue box, but how is it helping anyone? What benefit is it bringing? How does it help things to progress? Can't we do better?
I've read more than one tweet that says if a gay man wouldn't date or have a relationship with a trans man, then they're not gay at all, they're a penis fetishist.
That a trans man with a vagina is just "a man with a different hole".
Is that true? If you're gay do you agree?
If that kind of blanket assumption and label can be placed on a gay man, then I have some understanding of why women feel "erased".
It's worrying to me that some unknown authority can simply decide these things because, well, because they say so, it feels like at times.
I watched Transformation Street back in 2018 and in doing so gained a much better understanding of trans people's struggles and hardships. It was a great programme and we could do with more of them, as there's still a great deal I don't know, and probably don't understand.
And I get that Rowling has a platform, of course I do, but I also think she has to be able to speak her mind without vitriolic hatred being sent her way.
I read her essay. I didn't fully grasp everything but she came across honest, but not hateful.
Not to my eyes anyway.
Considering just a few months ago everyone was saying "Be Kind" after the suicide of Caroline Flack, it's depressing and hypocritical to see how quickly so many people revert to type and go on the attack.
Is this really what we want? Is it how we want to portray ourselves?
I just think we have to be really careful not to nurture an environment whereby people simply feel unable to ask questions, even if they're clumsy and tactless, or well-meaning and otherwise empathetic people are just going to think "sod this" and turn their backs entirely.
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