Thread with an even more helpful perspective. This one is entitled

The estimated death toll for Covid is somewhere between 1 and 2%. Deaths as a % of reported cases hovers around 5%, but death isn't the outcome we should be most concerned about.

We should be much more concerned about what we're learning about Covid survivors.
Let's move down the body a bit -- let's talk lungs.

Covid scars lungs permanently -- even among nearly half of *asymptomatic* cases. Yes, that's right. Even if you didn't even know you had it, you could have lost up to 30% of your lung functionality.
What does that mean? We don't know yet. Could it lead to a massive increase in COPD in 50 years? Possibly? Does it mean that pneumonias and other respiratory illnesses will be permanently more dangerous? Yes.
Microthomboses damage the body where capillaries (your really small blood vessels) supply blood and oxygen. This includes your brain, your kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen, and lungs.

For most survivors, this is "silent" damage -- no symptoms, just lost functionality. FUN!
In short? This virus is a bastard. Imagine what happens if we get 50M infected here?

500K+ die, which is bad, but what if:
30% have neuro deficits?
50% have lung damage?
30% have kidney damage?
5% develop Diabetes?
15% develop heart issues?
15,000,000 with neuro defecits
25,000,000 with lung damage
15,000,000 with kidney damage
2,500,000 with diabetes
15,000,000 with heart issues.

Many will have more than one. A lot will have all. Do you think we can afford that many lost QOLYs (Quality of Life Years)?
So, again, can we *PLEASE* stop talking about Case Mortality Rate? Can we *PLEASE* talk about the real issue with this bastard virus? If we don't change our ways, we'll be paying for our stupidity for generations.
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