seeing in close succession on my timeline:

a) "we should break up google"

b) "we should break up amazon"

on what legal basis?
i mean it's nice to dream i guess, and does it really matter why - we hate em, somehow - but where's the legal basis for this, and if there is none yet, what makes you think you're ever going to get a government that is honorable enough to make it so?
is there an aspiring law student among us who knows enough to name precedent?
here's a starter. this has been tried before and it did not yield the expected results. situations are different, but at least our sample size just went from 0 to 1.
also, it's possible the law need not be troubled.

what about a decentral competitor? i'm a big fan of the dat network. that would be one. we could elect to use decentralized services.

a decentralized amazon marketplace is also thinkable.
in europe, the fact that google and amazon are foreign monopolies has made it easier for the EU to mandate how they should behave (to the detriment of smaller competitors, unfortunately). you just need to audit a few big ones rather than a massive cluster of small ones. seductive
this thread is the internet monopoly breakup conspiracy now. we're doing it.
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