who harry styles really is and why you shouldn't support him (a thread)
he has done cultural appropriation
has been ignorant to his minority stans since the beginning
roy moore jokes in 2017. he got some backlash when he said this, and his team didn't want him to be "cancelled" so they worked to scrub the video from the surface of the internet
supports elvis (p*dophile)
just *some* of the things he's done in regard to his blatant zionism
his team donating to republican organisations
he also stays silent every time there is an important issue. he hides behind the motto "treat people with kindness" and gets away with it. why? because he is a white man and y'all think he could never do any wrong. well, he does do wrong.
he was supposed to perform for pepsi / the nfl earlier this year. #HarryBackOut was trending and he was asked to step down, but he ignored it. if you aren't aware, pepsi and the nfl are both racist organisations.
he went on to ignore this, and even tweeted about his dismay to the event being cancelled. he could tweet about it being cancelled and how he was "sad" about it, but couldn't respond to his black fans pleading for him to back out.
more about #HarryBackOut and his ignorance to it.
he has never ever addressed any of these things, he continues to stay silent any time there is a big issue regarding lgbt rights, blm, women's rights, trans rights, etc. he has never apologised.
he is also not just ignorant to his ongoing actions, but he is ignorant to world issues that he claims to "care" about that he blatantly ignores every time they come to light.
please stop supporting this man. he doesn't mean it when he says "treat people with kindness", if anything, he means "treat cis-het, white people with kindness"
a bigger thread about his zionism https://twitter.com/urnotreadyluv/status/1155963576223293440?s=19
harry styles today, seen with his PROUDLY ZIONIST, ANTI-PALESTINE FRIEND, ben winston, just two days before israel plan to annex any remaining palestinian land, leaving palestinian people without a home.
another israel tweet
while you're here, please have a look through this. you don't have to donate, you can just sign petitions if that's what works for you. the petitions take no more than 15 minutes to sign altogether. https://dotherightthing.carrd.co/ 
take the time to educate yourself on israel and palestine's history and why zionism is bad. don't be ignorant like SOME people. https://free-palestine.carrd.co/ 
read this while keeping in mind that this man barely uses his platform to talk about important issues including ones that affect many of his own supporters. i think that this says enough about his ignorance.
i had to do quite a bit of digging to find this video because his team worked to get rid of it, but here is the roy moore joke. this was in 2017.
"all the love"
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