Fynn Jamal is a entitled princess giving “nasihats” in her ivory tower on her high horse and expecting laymen to follow those advices for an ideal society. Absolutely DELUSIONAL.
Following her logic, if posting selfies with filters contribute to men being unable to control their sexual urges, why is she posting her children’s pictures and why is she even posting pictures of herself? There are men who have fetishes for children and fully covered women tho?
The stupidest thing I can ever hear is that IDEALLY women do not need to work, but for those who NEED TO, their walis should send them to and fro work. And? What happens in between? Wali Tak payah kerja jugak ke kena teman sehari ke?
Habis the walis that RAPED their children/the people in their care? Oh Itu pulak ujian? Why can it not be the men’s ujian to not stick their penis into any hole they can find? Get your head out of your ass. What kind of world do you live in?
Even during zaman Nabi (saw) not everyone was Muslim and fact is not everyone will be muslim. Habis the ones who haven’t had the privilege to know islam? Diaorang tak pakai tudung so diaorang lah Yang buat Jantan semua lemah iman kena rogol pulak?
Also, Handpicking Quran and Sunnah and magnified the parts that focuses on women’s responsibilities. Has her ustadh never taught her that quran cannot be selected by parts and must be interpreted and read as a whole? Habis the men buat apa je? Hantar and teman pergi kerja?
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