Danny has nothing to gain from sharing misleading info about his own family, but Laura has a lot to gain from making Danny look like an unreliable narrator. Who benefits from having these conversations behind closed doors rather than in the open? The kids at Menlo deserve better. https://twitter.com/lkoturner/status/1277652459335254018
Every step of this process from the church and the Ortberg family must center the care and wellbeing of children over the feelings of adults. Handling this any other way is wrong.
When we're talking about potentially almost 2 decades of a man sexually abusing children, this becomes by *default* a public discussion. Insisting on handling this privately is not only unwarranted, it's blatantly inappropriate.
Really disappointing to see people that at one point I looked up to and trusted quietly show their support for Laura instead of, you know, expressing concern that she is potentially enabling a pedophile.
We don't hold people accountable because of "cancel culture" or because it's "trendy", we do it because it's the right thing to do, even when those people might be people we like or we're in community with. Those people need our accountability more than strangers, not less.
Apparently Laura has deleted her Twitter account. I’m sure she’ll chalk all of this up to how toxic Twitter and cancel culture are. But all of this was avoidable. The Ortbergs literally refused accountability every step of the way, and this was a last resort for Danny.
White people who have abused their power and influence experience some public accountability for the first time in their lives and think they’re being oppressed. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Some more third-party testimony from Nicole Cliffe that the Ortbergs were knowingly encouraging their son Johnny to work with children as a way to treat his pedophilia.

John Ortberg should not be allowed to continue leading Menlo Park Church.
https://twitter.com/graceelavery/status/1278017735432208391?s=21 https://twitter.com/graceelavery/status/1278017735432208391
I’ve served in children’s ministry in a volunteer and/or staff capacity for over half of my life, and I can guarantee that at any church I’ve attended, a move like this from the senior pastor and his family would warrant immediate and permanent removal from his position.
Churches need a zero-tolerance policy for enabling pedophilia. I can’t believe that even has to be said. & the ECO denomination needs rigorous policy (the Episcopal church does this very well with their Safeguarding requirements) that equips swift action in situations like this.
I don’t see how anyone can consider John Ortberg fit for pastoral leadership after this display of poor decision making and inability to tell the truth and take ownership of the explicit harm done. John is clearly a threat to the safety of his congregants.
A lot of people saying that "no one was harmed" by Johnny, which is why more people aren't concerned. First of all, there's no way of knowing if that's true since no thorough investigation was done. Second, this thread shows why this claim is misinformed: https://twitter.com/kiki40400470/status/1277593853399379970?s=20
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