There’s knowing global anti-blackness exists, but then there’s seeing it play out in real time. The resurgence of the BLM movement has really exposed the disdain people hold for my humanity, from racist trolls to politicians. It is really hard not to internalise this
Seeing thousands of people’s comments and “opinions” about the BLM movement, police brutality and institutional racism is really harrowing. How this person deserved to die or did not do enough to prevent it. Seeing people smear the movement with false talking points.
All I read and all I see being reinforced is that I and those who looks like like me are lesser. Fighting for justice, fighting for basic humanity, fighting for innocence. Fighting to be believed, heard. It really is a lot.
I think for us twitter users especially, those of us who frequent this app regularly would benefit from taking breaks because consuming content that tells you everyday your life is not worth living is damaging your psych. It’s not just the comments from racists either
Don’t even get me started on the gaslighting that takes place on here. Thankfully I know not to engage with racists who parade as well meaning liberals. It is still awful to see though, people pushing back on your humanity. From racist anon accounts to mainstream journalism
You can be principled, confident, self assured all of these things and still not escape the conditioning and reinforcement that you’re lesser than. People who aren’t as strong emotionally or stable in themselves will be even more impacted.
Many of us are already struggling with this pandemic, be it financially, emotionally or all of the above. But to see people push back on your humanity on socials, to see LEFT WING politicians undermine and dismiss movements fighting for your liberation?
As human beings, on an individual level we all have our insecurities and things we deal with. But being black is a struggle on its own and through it comes various equally crippling issues we have to contend with. It is truly exhausting.
At the end of the day as black people all of us have been conditioned to feel lesser than. This is reinforced through policy, media and our experiences in daily life. It’s important for me to overcome this programming and conditioning and this app in particular does not help.
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