Drug addiction is a disease, not a crime, and in no way should drug users be criminalized or incarcerated. The imprisonment of addicts is a crime against humanity and ppl must begin to understand that prisons are not designed to rehabilitate.
Its also important to understand the difference in rhetoric used to describe Black drug addicts to white addicts. Ppl commonly refer to Black addicts as “crackheads” or “fiends” while white addicts (especially alcoholics) are seen as misunderstood or troubled
As someone who has been through NA myself, I have seen firsthand the discrimination that Black addicts face, even from other fellow addicts. Treated as if they are predisposed to addiction, and not like they took the wrong path, which is what you hear from affluent addicts
In the hardcore scene specifically, there are a lot of edge kids that look down on addicts as being morally inferior, while not realizing the racism behind doing so. Especially since the effects of constantly living under the weight of oppression are directly related to drug use
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