Take: the couple look cringey as fuck but if people were to break onto my property or protest something that had nothing to do with me, and the last month had been full of arsons mixed in among protestors, id sit by my house with a gun and make sure they didn’t get too close https://twitter.com/averyrisch/status/1277398535973949440
They didn’t shoot anyone, and from these shots I can’t really tell how their trigger discipline was/ even if the safety was on.

I’m sure it’s a bit unnerving to have *hundreds of protestors* break past your gates and approach your house. This is far from egregious behavior
It is also funny to see all the people who were finally coming around to gun rights and posting pictures of black men with guns peacefully marching after the Ahmaud Arbery murder, and saying “this is what gun rights are really for, do you support the second amendment now????”
literally every pro 2A and libertarian account I follow was like “fuck yeah glad to have you with us”

But now since old white people have guns, it’s bad again or something

Damn shame, really
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