If anything positive comes from 2020, it's that I finally go no-contact with narcissistic parents and fully and finally cut ties with friendships that were unhealthy for my sense of self.
It's taken me a long time to get to this point, but... I'm really, really, realllllly tired of being treated as the scapegoat and as a burden.
And if I stand any chance at mental wellness going forward with Therapy, these people who have caused me to have such a fucked up sense of self respect have no place in my life, no matter how much I valued them in the past.
Continuing this thread - I feel like the more I try to seek wellness, the more people I end up having to let go of or part ways from. I'm wondering if this is normal - for friends to be lost and social circles to shift once someone begins to heal and learn better coping skills.
It's as if each boundary I set/when I realize I'm done with being treated poorly sometimes creates unmendable rifts in old friendships. I don't know if that's the case for everyone in these situations, but between this year & last, boundaries I've tried to set (sometimes poorly)
have backfired. I get that my emotional regulation was bad on several of these instances, but is that common? For friendships to end or to feel relieved when you find a friendship has come to its end?
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