I am disappointed with @mcgillu's decision to invite Steven Pinker to deliver the 2020 Beatty Lecture.

I'm disappointed for the usual reasons: they got another white, rich, cis, straight, old male to give the lecture

But I also take issue with this old white dude in particular
Steven Pinker has had a problematic career. It's so far beyond the scope of my Monday morning to cover it all, but here are some of the reasons I'm unhappy with him coming back to McGill.
Now, Pinker says he was not aware that Dershowitz would use these comments to defend Epstein.
That's fine and all, but a) I don't buy that he didn't know that, but...
b) even if he really didn't, he knew that he was providing a linguistic technicality via which someone could avoid being charged with child trafficking. Even if it wasn't Epstein, it was someone problematic that he helped.
Even if Pinker has no relationship with Epstein, he's called Dershowitz "a friend and colleague".

quick reminder for those who don't know, Dershowitz defended:
-O.J. Simpson
-Harvey Weinstein
-Donald Trump

So he's not exactly awesome either
Enough about Epstein though, Pinker is problematic outside his connections too.

Pinker's brand is to deny today's inequalities and injustices by looking at long term data trends and saying that even though things might suck right now, they're better than they used to me.
A lot of talented people have written about the problems with Pinker's arguments, so I'll let their writing do the talking.

This is a long but excellent critique of Pinker that features this comic strip that really sums up my problems with him

This is something that Pinker wrote. Yeah really.
He presents it like it's a fact. Obviously, if progress has happened (and statistics show us that it has) then the damn liberal university students are just yelling about nothing.

That's right Mr Pinker, just because we've made some progress all other social issues are erased!
Ironically, I know of another person who likes to look at the overall improving trends of the world and talk about it


But unlike Pinker he doesn't use this trend to ignore the many issues still persisting, to silence those facing discrimination
You can watch one of John Green's videos here:

There are a lot of reasons why I think this take is better than Pinker's, not the least of which is because he only makes these videos once a year
John Green, and the Green Brothers and all of their associated companies and channels have proven themselves an ally to marginalized communities time and time again. Steven Pinker has not.
Anyways all of this is to say that Steven Pinker is a patronizing dude obsessed with scientism who may or may not be connected to a known pedophile.

I hoped for better from McGill. I especially hoped for better given the recent #BLM and #MeToo movements. But alas.
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