Why do we bring up our children to tell the truth as a positive action and then spend our whole lives punishing them, and others for telling the truth or whistleblowing?
How can we encourage children and adults who have been subjected to abuse to tell the truth or to tell us their disclosures, if we aren’t prepared to tell the truth ourselves?
Why should victims and survivors trust us with their secrets, their disclosures and their abuse, if we don’t even trust each other?
If we want our practice to improve and we truly want the best for victims and survivors, why are we so scared of criticism of our practice?
Would we rather protect our ego and reputation, even if it means ignoring bad practice and the harm of vulnerable people?
Why should any professional support mandatory reporting laws if they know it means that they will be treated like a traitor for whistleblowing about abuses and oppressions? If they will not be supported and protected, why should we force them to whistleblow at all?
Provocative questions, I am sure. But we need to keep speaking out.

Massive respect for the truth tellers and the whistleblowers everywhere. Love to you.
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