If Nazi imagery and uniforms are banned at conventions rising sun flags and imperial Japanese uniforms should also be
For those of you coming from the RPG sphere: https://twitter.com/twifairycosplay/status/1247415881317199872
For those of you here from the anime con sphere, I urge you to listen and think again

-You may not realize your cosplay’s ties to imperial Japanese history
-You may not be looking for those ties in source media

Please listen to the voices of those affected
Adding on a bit: a lot of people have been asking well-meaning “but what about [example] since it isn’t overt imagery?”

If you feel weird about a piece of a design and feel a need to ask about it, that’s probably a sign it’s potentially harmful
The fact that these small details can make it into these designs is a sign of privilege. These artists to not have to feel uncomfortable when they’re not taught it’s wrong.

So what can you, as a cosplayer do?
Ultimately it is a case by case basis. In my opinion, these are examples of why “cosplay accuracy” is an issue even after the argument against racefacing has been had.

Nobody’s saying to stop loving these characters, but if possible, consider omitting portions of their designs
If cosplayers are allowed to change their cosplays for things like modesty, fit, gender presentation, I think it’s time we allow cosplayers to omit or alter parts of designs for other reasons without judgement
One more: not sure how many people make it this far, but I have this thread muted! I’m really happy to see a lot of education and calm discussion happening in the comments but the notifications 😰

I am checking in every so often to hide replies that are harmful/see what’s up tho
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