Saturn in Capricorn exalts Mars while Mars in Aries is in Saturn’s fall. In Horary speak, Saturn has high regard for Mars, while Mars disrespects Saturn. However, Saturn has the upperhand bw the 2 domiciled planets w/ an overcoming square to Mars.
On a macro level this reads as the individual fighting against the control of larger institutions. On a micro level, the Aries area of your chart wants to burn things to the ground while the Capricorn house is resolutely blowing ice over the fires Mars is attempting to light up.
Jupiter’s overcoming square to Mars on the other hand, surrendered to Saturn’s whims, feels a lot like the tension between one’s principles vs one’s behavior. Again Jupiter exalts Mars, and Mars is neutral to Jupiter. How do your politics compare against your personal actions?
Tho Jupiter is overcoming Mars, Mars is in a more capable situation in its own sign since Jupiter is in its fall. Tho in the end, it’s a battle against Saturn & Mars.

Anyways, just my ramblings about the dignity exchanges and their aspects for the next 5 months.
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