Thread: To all the Education Vendors who have all the solutions to all our enrollment challenges, I offer a bit of constructive criticism.

First, check your database. Our business runs on accurate data, and mistakes cost us. They cost you, too, even if you don't know it.
Second, proofread your communications. Test them. If you copy and paste text from other sources, go back one last time to make sure your fonts are all the same, or you don't leave double or triple spaces between words.
Third, we know puffery when we see it. Don't do it. Don't make astonishing claims about how your product is the one key product we need, unless you have really good data to prove it.

We use lots of channels, and no one can dis-aggregate the effects of any one of them.
Don't try to make me feel guilty about not replying to your sales emails. That stuff might work on 17-year-olds in search, but it won't work on us. We, um, know that it's not a person trying to make us feel guilty. It's manipulative and highly sketchy.
Finally, when all else fails, try competence.
I probably get a dozen a day. Most I don't read past the first two lines, unless--ironically--they're obviously really bad.

We're all adults here. I appreciate being treated like one.
Oh, and #EMTalk
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