I think the Holy Mountain (1973) is a great film but the dude on letterboxd who left an article-long review with a half star rating has more valid points over the other reviewers who praised it
the film itself is extremely self-indulgent and littered with so much allegory and symbolism that everything gets too muddled for anyone to find any profound connections to, but at the same time their fluid and polysemous nature is what makes it so revered by its cult following
it's described to be a motley of shallow cacophony, and considering the fact that Jodorowsky was one of the founders of the Panic movement and is heavily influenced by contradicting beliefs... it isn't all that surprising
though packaged in this seemingly aleatoric way, it's a visually captivating piece that gives us Jodorowsky's perspective in achieving enlightenment
and in the end,,, Jodorowsky literally said he conceptualizes his shit with his testicles so what else would you expect from a dude who says that kind of stuff
also,,,, if you're wondering why I only made this thread now,,, it's probably because this movie is so wack I had to watch it a few times to let its essence sizzle-

like,,, watching it is some kind of panic-attack sensory overload
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