After this bold step to ban Chinese Origin Apps. Question that would arrise:
Q1. What about apps in which Chineese
Companies have investments in other popular apps and mostly Indian Startups but not controlling stake?
Thread (1/n)👇
A: They don't post that much risk as these. An investment without controlling interest is a mere financial Investment for capital gains and does not have influence or control over the operations, so Data collection and privacy breach issues is not there.
#chineeseapps (2/n)
Q2. What about Chineese Hardware by Chinese Companies/ But made in India/ Components sourced from China?
A: Chinese Hardware is a big now for my next purchase. Other alternatives with lesser features or more cost is to be given preference over Chinese Origin Companies/Founders.
Even if it's made in India, it still remains a Chinese hardware, which is just assembled here, the control still remains with the Chinese.
We can't control if the components in it are from China, but these can be avoided if we have data on public domain (4/4) #69A #ChineeseApps
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