TW / Shane Dawson rape pedophilia pedophile child sex predator trauma paraphilia gaslighting
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Why Shane Dawson is being called out as a * pedophile * and held accountable
Before this starts I urge anyone engaging (quoting/replying) to use trigger warnings in the right manner. Any disrespectful replies (ex fancams, pettiness from Shane Stans, self promo etc) will be hidden, reported and I will block the account
Tw pedophilia pedophile
In short,he fails to see how his actions can affect the people he is 'joking' about and the discomfort it inflicts onto other people. Shane himself has been through a lot in his life and therefore
Tw pedophilia rape assault
Uses humour as a coping mechanism, like many people tend to do even victims of rape, assault, pedophilia.However he takes it too far. As of whats happening now he's used his experiences to disregard what other people, which can be victims also,
Tw gaslighting
Have said trying to hold Shane accountable for what he's been doing for years. It's very dismissive to victims and a way of gaslighting them
Now yes, victims make jokes themselves but it's much different. They often make and laugh at jokes that are void of a personal experience, a name to a face. They are a generalized/ stereotyped situation. What Shane is doing is making jokes of real people's situations, or making
Jokes using real people who will experience discomfort as a result of his joke. Like the whole willow smith situation 😷 It's important to acknowledge the fact that the victims that CAN joke about these things aren't completely void of trauma. They still deal with knock off
Effects of their trauma like mental disorders, medication etc. A lot of these people also had tough childhoods, people believe their situations, years of therapy, legal action taken and so on so that they could get to this point of seeing the humour in these jokes but sadly
Many victims don't get these aids and support, come from different backgrounds & cope differently. Their discomfort is very valid and not to be dismissed because you're a victim too. You fail to see the range in how trauma affects others, and in the process, gaslight them again
Another part of the situation with Shane is that he has *profited* off of his behavior. It's got him here with a youtube channel,merch a makeup collab with another sicko (jeffree star). He's lives comfortably in a luxurious house in LA, with nice cars, off the back of his 'jokes'
TW pedophilia

It would be appropriate to take down any content that he's profited off of by 'joking' or just his Channel down altogether. He may also want to go to Therapy because of the pedophilia accusations. I don't know what could be done legally, but
That would be more on the backs of people who would've 've been the butt of his 'jokes' ex.willow and jada.
Tw pedophilia pedophile

Whether Shane is an *actual* pedophile or not, it would have to be dealt with in a proper manner with psychologists, specialists maybe even legally. But does Shane display sketchy behavior? I think we all agree that he does. His stans say
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that he isn't a *real* pedophile because he hasn't physically done anything, but the thing is that pedophiles don't have to do something physical. However If they did,they would then be child sex predators. Shane appears to be on a very weird and suspicious
Fine line between them. That's a huge problem because what if he has crossed the line? We then openly have another predator on youtube. (By physically ^above^ I mean assault, an actual Sexual offence etc) However he's acted on his curiosity so does that count as acting
On his urges? Not my place to say so, but it could very well be, and in turn could make him an *actual* pedophile. Also it's not just pedophilia that we're technically dealing with. I'm going to leave definitions below so you can read them
Tw paraphilia
Paraphilia. In simple terms, it's extreme sexual attraction/ arousal to objects, situations, people and fantasies out of the norm.
Wiki Link: 
Tw Chronophilia. In simpler terms, Sexual attraction to people in a certain age range.
Tw Ephebophilia
Tw Hebephilia
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There's so much more that he's done making him problematic but this is just a fraction of it.
I'm going to link the other thread exposing what Shane has done if you haven't seen it. Thank you for reading. Don't forget tw when engaging with the thread. Stay safe
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