personal talk here this is a thing that just aggrieves me personally. our crew is the best crew in the world. I am proud, year in & year out, that, on the road, we're able to pay three crew people, even if the work includes the thankless duty of listening to me yammer all day.
Never could have imagined that'd be something I'd even be thinking about! And yet we roll seven strong, plus we've been blessed with great drivers, great stage crews, playing in great houses with amazing workers - the Fillmore! The Vic! College Street Music Hall in New Haven!
Dozens of other places where the show we put on is a giant team effort between us & our crew & the promoter & our booking agent & our manager & our label & the people who design our posters & the people who print them & the venue & the audience. Dozens of dozens.
The incompetence of this administration hitting so many people's wages so SO hard, along with, yes, our collective inability to act collectively.
How long will we suffer these fools to wreck things for us and our families?
When will we learn that the people united will never be defeated? when will we relearn that we're all in it together? We already know this intuitively; when will we remember well enough to put this knowledge into action?
May that remembering take root in so many of us that it spreads like wildfire, may we return together to value one another's lives more than we value anything else.
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