So I feel like maybe intros are in order.

Hi! I'm Caitlin, I've been trapped in the quicksand that is the Sherlock fandom for... oh my god 7 years, I write fics that people seem to generally enjoy, such as:
And if you say the word, I could stay with you: 
And my currently-updating, back from the dead, huge WIP from hell...
and your very flesh shall be a great poem:
I don't do a whole lot of self-reccing, so. Yeah. If you've read my stuff and like it, hi, I love you! If you haven't, hey, take a look, maybe see what you think.
SO EXCITED to see some life and excitement in the fandom!!!!
(Oh and lots of other fics too, didn't want this thread to get too crazy unmanageable!)
You can follow @CaitlinFandom.
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