And where exactly do they expect to get these wombs may I ask.
I don't like the fucking sound of this.

Even IF this shit was possible it would be worse than surrogacy. We already have men that believe they're entitled to our spaces, rights and dating pool but oh my fucking god can you imagine men that where SJWing for womb donors?
Imagine the fucking nightmare it would be is all this shit was medically possible. Imagine if donating your womb was a physical thing someone could do. Fucking imagine
There is already a black market for organs. Organ theft is real and they target some of the most vulnrable pple with the least protections.

Already the most vulnrable women out there are being targeted for surrogacy. Giving their wombs out for rent
Imagine if you could physically BUY one? Imagine if science made this sick shit possible???

Imagine all the women that are going to get mutilated for this shit?

The poor poc women that will be butchered and the dumbass Libfem that will jump on this band wagon lickity split
You already know which women are going to be the biggest victims of this. You just know
I can see it all now. The twitter threads. The women gaslighted, manipulated and guilted into giving another "woman" a gift.

I can see the idea that a womb is a human right for men and women are selfish bitches for hording themm
This is all sick. It's fucking depraved but no one is going to say shit because they're afraid abd are sipping the woke kool aid
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