Well I just got the results, the test came back positive for COVID-19. I’m slowly getting better, not at 100% yet, but I’ll get there. I gotta say, cliche as it is, I never thought it would happen to me.
I live and work in a small town, there was an outbreak at work and I got caught up in it. I tried to wear my mask but I wasn’t 100% diligent. Some of my coworkers got it worse, and spread it to family. My family seems to have been spared, I isolated as soon as I felt sick.
Wear your masks people! Wash your hands! Isolate if you feel sick! Don’t let common sense be a political issue and feel like it gets in the way of your freedom, that’s ridiculous. Even with mild symptoms, this knocked me on my butt for a week, y’all don’t want to get it.
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