People knew that Van Jones was problematic for years. Yet, he always seemed to fool some. Welp, here goes.

A thread.
1/no idea of how many.
The moment when he suckered people into believing he cared. Jones poses the question of how to explain Trump's 2016 win to his kids.
In the early stages of this clip, Jones attempts to use humor. What's funny about flipping to become a Trump voter?
And we all remember this. If Jones' idiocy didn't already convince you, this should've been it.
Now, we all know what Tim Scott is, but look at ya man Van. The Republicans around him see Jones like a DJ Khaled trademark.

"Another one"
Now, we have the tone change. The somber one. The "hey, I care" 🙄

Those same GOP senators that he crowded around believe in the Few Bad Apples Theory when it comes to police. Can't play both sides of the fence.
"We are winning"
WTF have we won?

George Floyd was murdered on film.

Breeona Taylor's murderers haven't been arrested.

Black people are being executed in Wendy's drive-thrus by police.

This doesn't feel like victory.
I can't even fault CNN. They're gonna be this. Always will be. Fault resides with the viewer that chooses to believe this nonsense.
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