Idea for a Really Sappy(TM) modern Eruri AU:
Erwin is a lawyer who spends a lot of late nights at the office. Takeout dinners, extra flavored coffees, and hours of sitting are catching up to him. He finally hires a personal trainer, and it is none other than a painfully hot Levi.
As soon as he meets his personal trainer at the gym (5 am on a Tuesday), Erwin has regrets. He's small, dark haired, scowls a lot, and barks orrders at him, but all Erwin sees is a man made of 100% thick, sleek muscle with confidence so unshakable-
that he's clad in only Spandex in a public place. He's got one of those hip haircuts that makes Erwin feel old- something where the back is shaved and the rest is long and drawn up in a shirt ponytail. A ponytail, for crissake- the man has the confidence to wear a PONYTAIL.
And Erwin can't blame him for it. He's a specimen. Muscles in places Erwin didn't even know they existed. Definition beyond definition. Yet somehow not in a cross or overly-bulky way. He's flexible, *lithe* even, and the thought alone has Erwin struggling not to pop a boner.
Erwin immediately wants to fire him. He's distracting. He's foul tempered. He's-

...actually really professional and good at his job...

And when Erwin starts being able to actually DO all the pushups he's been tasked with, he realizes if he left he'd be making a huge mistake.
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