I remember back when Black Panther came out this group of white women were asking what they could do to fully support the movie, how they could share its importance, its significance to the Black community.

I said, “Go buy a ticket and see it.”

They got pissed at me.
Them: we just want to make sure we convey how important this moment is, how representation matters, how-

Me: seriously, just, go see it, just like you did the other Marvel-

Them: why can’t you understand???
That’s when I realized that they were more interested in receiving praise for doing “the work.” They wanted some “thank you for caring” and affirmation of their wokeness.

They didn’t want a simple solution, they wanted pats on the back for “getting it” on their own.
I say all this because that’s exactly how I feel when I see these “network pulls episode that no one has even thought about for decades also no one felt it was racist” and “actor/actress regrets what they did but it really doesn’t matter because it’s already done” stories.
Like the solution is “just be better from now on” but a lot of white folks are like “let me try and undo the past but not take steps toward a better future because that requires real work.” It’s white folks doing what they THINK we want instead of actually listening to us.
Then other white folks either praise them for trying or, even worse, come at us for “forcing them to do it” while we’re like “no one told anyone to do anything like that, also, this isn’t even what we were talking about this is doing what you THINK is right.”
No one is saying go back and erase decades of media because, well, you can’t. If your focus is there but not in the present then you’ve missed the point.

Invite us to the table NOW, not “should’ve done this back then so I’ll address it now but not actually do anything else.”
Alternatives to removing content no one even had on the radar/no one was offended by: highlight stories with a diverse cast, that offers a variety of Black voices (especially underrepresented ones) that isn’t just the struggle. Add more Black content. Invite new Black creators.
Alternatives to the “I regret what I did (insert number of years cuz it’s usually a long time ago)” comments: share/promote/work with Black folks, push to have us on screen AND behind the scenes, demand we get paid equally, listen to us always
“Do I address the fact that I did (x)?” Sure but if that’s your way of making a stand and you stop there then you’re like the white women in my example who were more interested in the “thank you for knowing there’s an issue” then actually buying the ticket.

Buy the ticket.
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