1.I've been trying to get some work done but I can't concentrate, my mind keeps going back to what is happening regarding the gender debate.
If the trans movement was about accepting trans people & making sure they had necessary protection & were accommodated, that would be great
2. but instead, it is about forcing people to believe something which is not true. And that is so profoundly illiberal that it is having far-reaching, terrible consequences.
We have scientists - a Professor of the Public Engagement in Science of all people - willfully obfuscating
3. science to make people feel like they can't possibly understand sex enough to say with confidence that a male person is not female. This is SUCH an abuse of that position. Do you really want people to be *afraid* of using logic? Do you really want to disempower people, to make
4. them feel like they can never understand such basic facts in biology? Do you realise the harm this does to both science and civil discourse? You cannot turn scientific integrity on and off as it suits you. Experts who misrepresent this issue are destroying essential trust.
5. What happens when we cannot use reason to resolve our conflicts? When experts, politicians, institutions, just lie? When it doesn't matter that the lies are blatant and outrageous, and anyone who speaks up is swiftly and severely punished? When a judge tells a woman that the
6. belief that humans are sexually dimorphic is 'unworthy of respect in a civilised society'?
What do you think happens when the contract of a civilised liberal society - that we resolve conflict through reasoned discussion - is trashed like this?
7. "when once the conception of objective truth is abandoned, it is clear that the question, 'what shall I believe?' is one to be settled...by 'the appeal to force and the arbitrament of the big battalions''.
- Bertrand Russell, 'The Ancestry of Fascism'.
8. We have so many problems we need to resolve - political, environmental, medical - and the institutions that are absolutely essential to that are squandering credibility, and the crevasse is widening between different political tribes, while those tribes themselves splinter.
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