Allowing trans people to more easily update the gender on their birth certificates has zero impact on me as a cisgender woman - but it makes a world of difference to a marginalised community who face daily discrimination and harassment in just trying to live their lives.
I understand why the discussion around single-sex spaces feels scary to some cisgender women: it's cos it's been made to seem really, really scary. We talk as though transgender women who might be predators - a tiny %, itself within a minority group - represent the whole.
But let's be real: why would you have to obtain a gender recognition certificate *before* becoming a predator? The majority of sexual abusers are cisgender people, because it's not as if being trans unlocks a magic key to a world of abuse you'd otherwise have no access to.
It used to be the case (and in some places, still is) that gay people were demonised on the basis that they might use single-sex spaces like toilets and changing rooms as opportunities to abuse other people.
And this narrative was used as a pretext to justify harass, intimidate and even beat up people who were perceived to be gay in those kinds of spaces. Coding LGBT people as predatory has been a key part of violently excluding them from public space.
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