"When you live from the outside in, everything you get has to come off someone else. When you live from the outside in, you know you can create anything."
Bill Winston.

This quote hit me hard this morning.
God made Adam a living soul by breathing into him. No animal can create
Even if you teach a parrot to speak, it cannot create solutions or products.
This ability is unique to humans.

We can dream.
We can speak.
We can predict.
We can create.
We can invent.

The issue is that we often ignore this gift of God and start looking around for a "helper".
I remember a joke from way back. Someone called a radio station and said "Hello, I am so and so. I called because I found a wallet on the road containing a huge amount of money."
Presenter: Wow! You want us to find the owner?
Him: No. Just help me dedicate this song to God...
"My helper Oh! My helper! There is something that makes me come into your presence, my helperđŸŽŒđŸŽ”"

There is a misunderstanding of the gospel. The bible says "Cursed is the one who trusts in man."

When you need to change a situation, look within you for answers and direction.
The bible says you don't need to look up or down for God. Christ in us is our hope of glory.
He can direct someone to help you or show you how to solve the problem but if you don't understand this, you will be bitter and resentful because those you feel are better/richer/happier
Than you have refused to help you. Let people choose how they respond. What you control is your expectation. Take responsibility.

The moment Adam said It was the woman who gave me the fruit, he was cursed to make a living under stress. The moment Eve blamed the serpent, she was
Cursed to give birth under stress. Notice the serpent did not defend himself.

No one's success is responsible for your failure.

No one is keeping anything from you.

If one rises, they don't owe you anything. All you need is available to you. That's something to rejoice about.
Now dust that your prayer list.
Instead of asking God to do it, tell Him
"I am ready to do it. Where should I start? Which way should I go?"

The helper you have been looking for lives inside everyone who believes in Jesus. His name is Holy Spirit.

You too can get to know Him.
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