Framing the concern over female specific spaces/treatment solely in terms of male violence is a mistake. That is only one of the concerns. It is too narrow.
Sex-specific spaces are needed to ensure women are not treated medically as if we are just little men—as medical science has a long history of doing. Nor are we people on synthetic hormones.
The narrow framing does not adequately protect our right to a fair share of public resources, whether or not violence or the threat of violence is the reason we are blocked.
Moreover, trans people can be as violent as other people. There is no reason to apply angel wings to that class and demonize nontrans men.
Thus, most male bodied persons aren’t violent toward women but studies show that those who are violent, are active and repeat offenders and often affect others’ tendencies toward women. Society has repeatedly failed to properly curb this behavior.
That trans people also need safety and public access does not erase the reasons and means by which women need it. For that other matter classes of biological men need safety from other men. We rarely talk about that.
Do not allow politics or fear to narrow the documentation of concerns. Forcing that narrowing is how opponents play the game.
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