There is a LOT of misinformation floating around about the health system, so here goes with the necessary qualifiers:

No, the health system is not nor has it collapsed.
Yes, the health system is under strain in some areas and not in others.

Before COVID this was often the case.
No, wards and ICUs are not “overflowing” in an apocalyptic fashion.
Yes, some wards and ICUs are full resulting in the need for additional wards to be used.

Ask any doctor about ‘outlying’, a common practice of placing patients in available wards when the primary is full.
No, the majority of doctors and nurses are not “unable to cope”.
Yes, many healthcare workers in certain fields are working harder than usual.

This is not unlike other times of the year when there is a peak in certain types of admissions across various specialities.
No, patients are not being left to die because of a novel virus.
Yes, as has always been the case resources are allocated according to availability.

There is widespread acknowledgement including a Constitutional Court ruling regarding healthcare resources not being unlimited.
No, your medical aid is not “invalid” during this time.
Yes, you will be treated in private or public hospitals should you require it.

There are reasonable changes to the health system which take into account risk vs. benefit. A standard consideration across the medical field.
Please stop spreading misinformation. It’s often not malicious in nature but is unhelpful regardless. Unless you have a global understanding of what is happening it is not useful to assume one account or rumor is of value.

Most importantly, stop panicking. We’ll overcome this.
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