I'm done with the glorification of workaholism in academia. No, it's not ok that you work double of your contract hours, nights, weekends and annual leave. Can we all just stop pretending this is normal? We are in the middle of a pandemic. There are more important things in life.
I need to add something. For everyone saying 'not just in academia', two wrongs don't make a right. If it's wrong in academia it is wrong elsewhere. Also, please understand I work in academia and therefore will point out what is wrong with the environment I know.
Please spare everyone to the 'I love my job, it' s a privilege to kill myself doing it' BS.That's exactly the sort of glorification I'm talking about. I can love my job AND want to be paid for my labour AND want a life outside it. They are not mutually exclusive things.
The whole 'I suffered and survived, so you must too' thing is petty, small and mean and we must get rid of it once and for all.
Finally, I didn't make this tweet to get career advice from patronising men on how to have a work life balance. That's not the point! I've picked my mentors already and they are absolute stars at giving me all that advice when I ask for it.
When my second PhD supervisor (and an inspiration) messages you saying she is exhausted and feels guilty but is now taking the weekend off after reading my tweet... ♥ I'm done here guys.
Nearly 7,000 likes on that tweet. Imagine the power if every single person joined their union
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