This is a ridiculously unflattering, venal, selfish, vain portrait of post-presidency Obama. If all this is true as reported, I’m kind of stunned. I truly, despite all my criticisms kind of held out some small notion that he was less awful than this.
Just the sheer self-regard and timidity this invokes, his primary concern as all these monstrous things have happened over the last 4 years has been to hand-wring about his legacy and reputation and protect his precious luxurious gold-trimmed retirement?
This paints a picture of a man so petty, self-absorbed, calculating and small, almost woefully pathetic: monitoring private polling data comparing himself to Trump, priding himself on having more Twitter followers, having staffers leak his comments to “soft-launch” his new lines.
I honestly felt sick reading this section after how much I worked to get this man elected twice, how much I believed in him and what I thought he represented, to realize this is all he is. A hollow, self-regarding shell looking for an opportunity to look good and do nothing more.
Then, as though all of this wasn’t bad enough on its own, he throws his own supposedly beloved wife entirely under the bus like a jealous child because she put out a successful book while he procrastinates and plays golf. So much for Black Camelot I guess.
I’m sorry but this is an almost absurdly small, vain, untrustworthy individual as laid out here.
Maybe this is a totally unfair hit piece and all these quotes and citations of sources are lying but if not then this is truly sad. I don’t know if being president broke him, if he was always more like this than not and we all saw what we wanted to see in him or what.
We are for real on our own out here y’all. It’s us and the monsters and no one is coming to save us. Not Obama, not Biden, not Warren or Bernie or Pelosi. It’s really just us, people going out into the street and putting their bodies on the line is all we have left.
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