How long ATLA/LOK characters microwave their hot pockets for: A Thread
Azula microwaves her hot pockets for 25 seconds just so it's mostly frozen but also soggy. She doesn't necessarily enjoy the taste, she just likes people's reactions to her biting into a half-frozen & soggy hot pocket.
Korra microwaves hers for 1 minute and 59 seconds. Asami DESPISES it. Korra thinks it's funny.
Aang doesn't eat hot pockets. 0 seconds.
Kuvira microwaves her's for a minute. It's mostly soggy. She doesn't even like hot pockets. She does it to fuck with people.
Asami doesn't microwave her hot pockets. She makes them in the oven. Korra swore up and down that cooking them in the oven was the wrong way to go. Until she tried one from the oven.
Katara microwaves hers for 2 minutes EXACTLY. No more, no less.
Toph microwaves hers for 4 minutes. She thinks it's funny how Katara acts disgusted every time she tells her to put them in for 4 minutes.
Sokka microwaves his for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. "The meat tastes better this way"
Zuko doesn't microwave his. He just fire bends @ them until they are ready.
Mako eats his frozen or super overcooked, no in-between.
Suki puts hers in the oven or microwaves them for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Sokka made her try it once and she preferred it.
Bolin cooks his for 69 seconds, then for another 69 seconds. Mako think's he's being stupid. Opal thinks it's funny.
Bumi eats his on a stick over a campfire in the middle of the woods away from Tenzin to hide that he's not sticking to the vegetarian diet. Tenzin knows.
Yue doesn't make hotpockets. She's the moon. Duh.
Baatar Jr. refrigerates his and eats them cold unironically.
avghj ill add more to this when i think of more bc this thread is funny
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