'ohhh look at me I'm essek I'm a danger to you all boohoo I have to be alone so you'll be safe'


THIS IS OUR LIVES. EVERY DAY. What's one more danger?" https://twitter.com/Wally_Wests/status/1277504094861553670
'Oh look at me! I'm unforgivable!'
Maybe essek is beyond reaching. Maybe he 'doesnt actually regret and wont change'

But I dont believe that. neither does caleb.

They are going to MAKE essek prove it. It's so easy to call yourself wretched to the core and stay in it. But m9 arent going to make it easy on him
Essek, under that so careful crafted mask that reads smug and uncaring.
Is not as aloof as he'd like to believe.
Weve seen hints at his vulnerable self loathing truth.

And so the answer isnt so clear. Much as he insists it is.

'After all you've done.'
He wants so badly to believe he doesnt care.

Because what happens if he does? The regret feels like it would rip him in half.

That's something m9 understands well.

But life hasn't let them get off that easily. Their path goes on. And so will his.

This isnt how it ends.
He was ready and prepared for hate and the hard hand of justice. Of their revenge.

He was prepared for the Assembly to attack him.

Either way, he likely wouldnt make it far enough to deal with the truth.

Of his part in things. But also the fact that he was USED, manipulated.
Just a dumb fucking kid who got swept up his pursuit of what he saw as a greater good. Something worth risks he hadnt fully considered.

He made his choices, aye. But the cerberus are masters at this game. Never forget it. Its more complex than that
And now here he sat.. at the end of it. Seeing what had happened.

And seeing that he'd thrown away the best thing to ever happen to him.. before it even happened.

He was ready for all the pain the world would dish out

what he wasnt prepared for. Was Mercy. Understanding.
Mercy he doesnt think he deserves. Mercy he doesnt know how to take.

So he keeps doing a similar thing to when Beau pushes people to make them angry at her. He acts like he doesnt care. He wants them to drive him away

Because that's easier than THIS
To be hurt, to be given up on. Its easier than defiant kindness and care. Its easier than having to go the LONG road. There is more to him than that selfishness.

They've seen that.

And they arent going to make this easy on him. To give up on who they know he can be.
Its such a unique and powerful story. There is ANGER. There is conflict. There is betrayal. They are confused and at different points. But they dont view him like Trent.

Because he's not.
He's guilty. But he's also been used by this massive machine. The same as all them.

Its messy as fuck.

But his REAL story is just beginning. None of this ends the way he expected. This one who knew only solitude, no warm touch
is going to have to deal with the fact, he's loved
His fate will be the same as M9's. As they are so tied together now.

Maybe disaster will come to him. But only as it comes to them too. Going out in a blaze of glory and defiance together.

But. If they can endure this. So can he. No one gets left behind.
gfjghjghjgfhjghj LOSING It <3
You will remember, it wasnt so long ago that it was CALEB in Essek's place, saying this to m9. (about the same enemies!)
And they didnt let him cast himself to the wastes to keep them safe.

They were defiantly kind to Caleb.
And now he is doing the same to Eseek.

A chain.
Thinking This, yet again
totally for No Particular Reason right now...

and i cant help but start to see.. a Theme.
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