BREAKING: my new research on Xinjiang uncovers evidence of birth prevention & mass female sterilization. Findings give strongest proof yet that Xinjiang atrocity fulfills a U.N. Genocide Convention criterion: imposing measures intended to prevent births /1
Birth control has a long history in China, but evidence from government documents about birth prevention in Xinjiang indicates a ruthless, draconian suppression of population growth that is, frankly, unprecedented. Esp. worrying is evidence of a campaign of mass sterilization. /2
Han Chinese academics have long complained about "excessive" Uyghur population growth, which they social instability and extremist religious thinking. But efforts to make the Han population dominant were set back by higher Uyghur birth rates, esp. in 2010s (chart). /3
Since 2015, Xinjiang gained 2 million new “residents”, who have their household registration (hukou) outside of Xinjiang. They settled in Urumqi and in XPCC regions. No ethnic breakdown, but evidence indicates they are Han settlers, attracted by lucrative state jobs. /4
In 2018, XJ issued draconian new birth prevention policies. I was able to discover that three minority counties specifically mandated internment as punishment for excess children. /5
This confirms evidence from the #KarakaxList: "too many children" was the most common reason for internment there. Indeed, between 2016-18, Karakax’s county's natural population growth plunged by 83 percent. /6
Population growth rates in Xinjiang's minority regions plummeted in 2018, halving from 0.8% in 2017 to 0.4%. But in 2019, birth rates fell by a further 30-56%, and a Uyghur prefecture has set a near-zero growth target of 0.1% (!) for 2020. How? Through "family planning". /7
By 2019, Xinjiang planned to subject >80% of women of childbearing age in the southern minority regions to intrusive birth prevention surgeries (IUDs or sterilizations). In 2018, 80% of new IUDs in China were fitted in XJ (region only makes up 1.8% of national population). /8
But the biggest shocker are two clandestine mass female sterilization programs in 2019 in Hotan City and Guma County. This is part of a "free birth prevention surgery" drive in rural minority regions, 2019 and 2020, funded with 260m RMB on regional level alone. /9
Guma sterilization target: 8,064, 14.1% of all rural females of reproductive age. Hotan City: 14,872 sterilizations = 34.3% (!). That is more per capita in one year than China sterilized in the 20 years between 1998 and 2018. Sterilizations in XJ already shot up since 2016. /10
Likely goal of this campaign is to sterilize all women who have had 3 or more children, plus some. Funding in 2019/20 sufficient for potentially up to 200,000 sterilizations, but at least one region also received central gov’t funding for this. /11
Xinjiang also allocated 1.5 billion RMB (!) in 2019/20 for award monies for “voluntary” birth prevention = IUDs or sterilizations. /12
Xinjiang’s stated goal is “zero birth control violation incidents” – not one child to be born outside the will of the state. Such targets are no joke. Hotan Prefecture, population 2.5m, could have exactly 21 birth control policy violations in 2019. /13
Technically, the government can now dial minority birth rates up and down at will, like opening or closing a faucet. Coupled with state-sponsored promotion of in-migration and of inter-ethnic marriages, this constitutes a tripartite campaign of ethno-racial domination. /14
In sum, these findings provide strong evidence of the fulfillment of U.N. Genocide Convention, Section D of Article II: “imposing measures intended to prevent births within the [targeted] group” /15
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