🤑🚨It’s June 29 babeeyyyy!🚨🤑

If you’ve got money you can part with between now and getting your tax return (a few weeks if you do it on time apparently!?) I encourage you to drop a tax-deductible EOFY donation to one or all of the Aboriginal-led Orgs linked below:

You can help to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people are resourced in leading the generation-wide movement to solve the climate crisis.

Donate to @SeedMob here: https://www.seedmob.org.au/5th_anniversary_donate
The Aboriginal Legal Service in NSW was founded nearly 50 years ago as a response to cruel injustice, and in acknowledgement of the importance of Aboriginal people designing and delivering their own services

Donate to ALS here (or look up in your state!) https://www.alsnswact.org.au/donate 
Guniwarra works to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island mothers and children recovering from trauma. They deliver innovative, transformational and culturally appropriate support programs.

Give here: https://gunawirra.org.au/donate/ 
The Indigenous Literacy Foundation addresses poor literacy rates in remote communities by gifting books, promoting early literacy and publishing community stories, many in First Nations languages.

Make a donation here: …https://indigenousliteracyfoundation.secure.force.com/Donate/?_ga=2.239958144.2050150556.1593394844-1112726003.1593394844
The Aboriginal Health Justice Project is a targeted health-law service for First Nations peoples and communities who have experienced discrimination in healthcare or medical negligence:

Donate here: https://justice.org.au/donate/ 
Yirra Yaakin is a WA theatre company. The donations they receive will go directly to our Solidarity Projects Series, an initiative we’ve launched to keep our artists creating and/or up-skilling during the COVID-19 pandemic: https://yirrayaakin.com.au/support-us/ 
Waltja works with community to address the issues affecting Aboriginal families. In particular, Waltja’s works to address the sgaps in service delivery for families, women, children, old people, people with disabilities and men, in remote communities:
If you have others, drop them below!

I love it when my taxes go to welfare and healthcare and the ABC and HATE thinking about them going to corporate bailouts for coal mines and billionaires. Giving to orgs like these helps!
You can follow @sallyrugg.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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