I’ve been real quiet about the cda issue but I just might have sumn to say
okay whatever. I was involved in cda for a year and got out as quickly as I could when my term was over. my first convention was at Tulane and I told myself then that it would be my last. I’ll never forget certain groups walking with entourages at this convention. I’ll explain.
as Democrats, we preach this message of inclusivity and progressive change. that’s great! But if that’s all you do.....there’s obviously a huge issue. I remember seeing all of these people acting so important but couldn’t point a finger on their work. where was the work?????
NO ONE could tell me what these people had done. I mean....it’s almost like campaigning for a position was it. that was the summary of their work. I couldn’t believe it. should we talk about the spontaneous Black Caucus Meeting next?????
cda didn’t give a damn about Black members. Black members literally had to gather each other and bring people to a back room to discuss these problems because there was no official Black Caucus meeting set up. I remember sitting there and saying to myself “hell no...I will be-
leaving this organization.” CDA proved to be nothing but empty talk and PARTYING. Holy fuck. It was like some weird ass vacation for (white) wanabe politicians. it was mind blowing.
now imagine me. a Black student’s first time at a cda convention and it’s literally nothing. no one gets shit done. it’s just a party. And don’t get me started on the dnc. I’ll pass on that one for now. anyway, let’s talk about that one time when I received a campaign call.
i will never forget receiving a campaign call from a CDA national board member. Now, the next election was almost a year away at the time. the world was literally burning and campaigning for future CDA positions was the focus of the national board.
I was told on this call “whatever you see the CDA board doing is all that’s being done.” now.....I sure as hell did not see much. 🤨 I was blown away. here was this potentially powerful organization littered with self-serving fake elitists.
these people will be the downfall of CDA National. oh well. anyway, huge shoutout to Sophia and all of the amazing CDA members who held true visions for that organization. you all are seen and appreciated.
I’m off to continue making a positive difference in our world with my Black brothers and sisters who are continuously breaking down barriers and speaking the truth. keep underestimating us. PLEASE I beg!
oh and a small piece of advice. when you are a good person and care for others.....you won’t have to walk around pretending to be the shit. your constituents will recognize and respect you. LET 👏🏾 YOUR 👏🏾 WORK 👏🏾 SPEAK 👏🏾 FOR 👏🏾 YOU 👏🏾
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