gonna tweet random things since nobody will see them >_>
why are emojis on samsung so terrifyng wTF
uh people are actually seeing this...
hi i guess
dont you hate when your parents have iphones and youre stuck with a samsung galaxy note 2, hahaha...

it doesnt even have the pen anymore, i lost it like a year ago
what do you think of my keyboard -u-?
why am i even tweeting-

these tweets are cringe, help me
hey its 2:37AM and i cant sleep so imma continue tweeting-

help me lol
sometimes i wonder what would of been of my life if i never came out to my parents or given my mom the umbrella...

probably better
also, im grounded because i didnt give my mom an umbrella...

mom i want my stuff back please
im just randomly venting to a twitter thread i made tf

i think i really do need help
im hungry imma go eat pancakes
i cant find the pancakes did my parents just scam me
found them
im going to call this thread
"the twitter thread i vent to at 1:00AM"
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