Struggling to manage your own psychology holds lots of people back from reaching their full potential (my lens is for founders but I think this is true for everyone).

Here are a few things I’ve learned trying to keep my own head on straight while building a company:
It’s easy to get messed up worrying what other people are thing about you.

Good news! No one’s thinking about you.
FOMO is a major source of anxiety, especially in a world where everyone is always on and always connected.

Remember that the grass is always greener, and lots of people probably wish they were in your shoes too. Play your own game.
Competition is a key source of crazy-making.

If you don’t have competitors you maybe aren’t fighting a worthy fight. And if something does kill your startup, competitors very likely won’t be it.
People issues are some of the most emotionally draining.

If someone is repeatedly making you lose sleep, talk to them about it in a serious way. Even if they’re great at what they do, if they’re dragging you down, their net effect on the company may very well be negative.
I’ve lucked out with investors, but many founders don’t.

Investors are your partners, not your bosses. If something is wrong, you owe it to everyone to say what you need from them to make sure you and your company are successful. Board members serve the company, just like you.
Finally, focusing on basics is key. Exercise, eat well, sleep enough. Meditate, get a coach, or get therapy.

Finally, invest in your family and friends not only as enjoyment, but as a way to stay rock solid no matter the ups and downs of your work. All this pays off enormously.
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