Why people will vote for @JoeBiden! Lol!
I'm voting for Biden because if I don't I ain't black.
I'm voting for Biden because I want the U.S. to have a weak military & I want our troops to be in harm's way fighting unnecessary wars!
I'm voting for Biden because Black Lives Matter every 4 yrs during a Presidential election!
I'm voting for Biden because Tara Reade doesn't deserve to be heard!

I'm voting for Biden because more regulation & higher taxes will destroy U S. economies while helping economies in China, Russia!
I'm voting for Biden because 8 years as VP & decades in the Senate yielded the most incarcerated blacks in American History!
I'm voting Biden because I'm happy the Obama Admin including Biden tried to take out a duly elected President!
I'm voting for Biden because record low unemployment for Blacks & Hispanics doesn't compare to a record of people on welfare rolls under Obama with complete dependency on the government!
I'm voting for Biden because Obamacare was such a huge success!
I'm voting for Biden because ISIS flourished in an Obama/Biden administration! I love ISIS & I love roaches!
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