Today my 11 month old daughter was attacked by a kid who had to be about 7 or 8 years old. It all happened so fast. My daughter was bleeding from her eye.

My animal nature kicked in & all I saw was red. I needed to hurt someone. His dad came and apologized, his son is autistic.
It didn't register at first, I was not prepared to hear that. But the dad looked so distressed, it just kinda diffused me a bit. It appeared to be a cut in the corner of her eye, away from her eyeball. I told him, it is just a cut, and I was beginning to be more understanding.
We were at a lake, he grabbed his stuff and walked away with his son. Then I noticed my daughter was bleeding from multiple locations near her eye. So I went after him to get his info. What i saw next really just hit me hard.
When I finally caught up to him, he was crying. I told him I need his info in case there was damage to my daughter's eyeball. He was more than willing. He let me take a picture of his license and he texted my number so i would have his number. His son spoke up "daddy's crying".
I felt this man's pain in such an unusual way. It hit me like a ton of bricks. My daughter, thankfully appears to be fine, she's acting like nothing happened. I know my daughter will recover, but this man's son will not recover from his condition.
My heart goes out to parents with special needs children. Our children are our special treasures who perhaps mean more to us than anything else. I know there's much more work involved in raising an autistic child. Hang in there, guys 🙏
Thank you all for the kind words. My babygirl is resilient. Not only is she ok - she just took her first steps today!

The struggle of raising autistic children was in my blindspot. Today was enlightening. You guys were spot on, this is his response when I let him know all was ok
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