How to Heavy Metal Detox Cliff Notes Version
By #EpiWhisp

I’ve been asked this question more than any other. It deserves a series of an in-depth articles to properly address.

Since I’m still recovering health-wise, let me lay out a cliff notes version.

There r 2 approaches 2 heavy metal (HM) detoxing:

▶️ Chelation👉Forcing the body 2 release HMs w/substances which “chelate” HMs. It works but the downside is u can lose minerals, it’s hard on the body & is dangerous if 💪 enuff chelators arent used or HMs r released 2 quickly

▶️Optimizing cellular meyabolism👉By focusing on upregulating cellular metabolism (ie methylation) thru targeted nutrigenomics (Gene-based nutrition) 1 relies on cellular intelligence 2 release HMs in a safe, orderly fashion

Many ppl have success with the Andy Cutter approach

I found his chelation approach way 2 strict/regimented & I’ve read enough chelation horror stories that I wanted no part of this approach.

I obviously chose option 2. In order 2 do this, one needs 2 know what 20 to 30 of their key methylation key genetic SNPs (ie defects) r.

Whats methylation? Your cellular metabolism is driven by exchanging methyl groups (3 Carbons-1 Hydrogen molecules) to turn on & off genes & to drive biochemical reactions.

If ur homozygous MTHFR like me & don’t know it, ur HM detox will be an unmitigated disaster.

One must get a 23andme saliva test, download the raw results & upload to a site like  2 find out your methylation profile.

One must also undergo a series of hair mineral analysis tests (every 3 or 4 months). The only lab I recommend is Trace Elements.

The hair mineral analysis tool is the most underutilized in all of medicine (alternative 2). An inch worth of hair taken at the scalp gives you a precise snapshot of what’s excreted out of your hair minerals & metals-wise over the last 3 months.

The rich amount of...

Biochemical information found in this test boggles the mind. I can see whether I have mental health issues, adrenal/thyroid issues (which won’t show up on traditional tests), immune issues, etc.

Between knowing ur methylation genetics & undergoing hair mineral tests (HMTs),

U can direct a sophisticated precise HM detox & heal a lot of other core health issues as well. The balancing of key mineral ratios is where the magic happens

I’ve been undergoing an intense healing journey for 6 yrs now & would not have been able 2 do it w/o this knowledge.

I may go down as the most heavy metal toxic individual in history whose lived to tell about it. I’ve excreted outrageous amounts of mercury, uranium, barium, aluminum, nickel, strontium & the list goes on.

I also discovered I had a life long severe excess copper problem.

Severe copper toxicity is devastating to ur mental, emotional & physical health. It usually afflicts women more due 2 higher estrogen. I got a buttload of it at birth from my severely toxic mom. No Dr, traditional or alternative, diagnosed this as one of my root cause issues.

I was suicidally 🤒 & could barely move but figured this out on my own & it took 6 yrs of torture 2 normalize my copper levels. Still healing several other issues 😢

In summary, if ur dealing with health issues ur HM toxic. The more severe, the more u need 2 follow this plan

But let’s say u just want 2 implement strategies 2 HM detox 2 help improve ur health over time without knowing the above info.

Here’s a # of approaches u can take with or w/o the above info guiding u.

#1 strategy: sit it a full-spectrum/low-EMF infrared sauna daily

There’s no way in hell I would have recovered as dramatically as I have so far without spending thousands of hours im my IR sauna. Ur skin is ur largest detox organ. The infrared healing rays of the sun cannot be overstated. An IR sauna will stimulate Heat Shock Proteins..

Which turn on all sorts of favorable Epigenetic switches including ur detox channels.

The most effective tool to HM detox hands down.

#2: Eat an intermittent fasting (cyclical) keto diet. U have 2 get urself fat adapted (using fat 4 fuel) to dramatically improve ur health

Fat is a much more efficient fuel than glucose & creates less Reactive Oxygen Species. By becoming fat adapted, it also becomes easier 2 fast daily. Ancient humans went thru long stretches of time without food followed by feasts. Our biochemistry has evolved on this diet

When we reach the 16 hr fast mark daily, this is when AMPK signaling goes into overdrive & cranks up autophagy, cell regeneration & detoxification. When ur body isn’t spending so much energy digestion it can focus on repair.

When u do eat. A high fat, moderate protein..

Low non-starchy carb meal, u stay in ketosis & continue 2 detox. Over time one can introduce higher protein/carbs intermittently to stimulate mTOR protein synthesis (around workouts).

It’s important to note that fibrous vegetables are natural chelators for HMs.

It’s the high good fats which r critical 4 heavy metal detox. Pasture-raised animal fats, eggs (raw or poached best), & organ meat will give ur cells an influx of regeneration material & will help escort metals out thru the bile.

Eat lots of good fat! Avocado, coconut oil..

Pasture-raised animal fats, lard, grass-fed butter, ghee, olive oil, avocado oil, etc.

Pay no attention to the vegan/frutarían/low fat crowd. This is no time for dietary dogma. Ur health is on the line.

#3: High dose vitamin C (HDVC)

HDVC is like the miracle cure..

4 everything. When u start raising daily intake of vitamin C to 20 to 30 grams daily (or more based on bowel tolerance), vitamin C starts acting as a pro-oxidant which will selectively kill infectious microbes (which always bind to HMs), kill them, release the metal..

& escort them out (as long as we’re taking binders). Vitamin C is the ultimate electron donor from a quantum physics perspective. Disease at its root is ur body in electron starvation mode which results in inflammation. HDVC gives the body an influx of electrons which..

Will deactivatethe toxins generated from an HM detox at an astonishing rate. At one several month stretch in my journey I was consuming over a 100 grams daily. I’m still consuming over 30 grams daily until my journey is complete.

#4: HM Binders/Escorters. This is critical.

There is a serious risk that when u release heavy metals if they are not bound properly they can recycle once they pass thru phase 1 & 2 liver detox pathways, dumped in the gut then get redeposited elsewhere in the body.

This is why if you’re sick to make sure u..

U detox the liver & heal & seal the gut 1st. Your liver is the main workhorse to HM detox. IR sauna, high good animal fat diet, coffeee enemas & hair mineral balancing r just some of the approaches to heal the liver. Also curing ur gut dysbiosis (heal/seal gut) with the...

Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet may be in order. If your liver-kidneys-gut is already toxic then undergoing a HM detox will be disastrous. It was 4 me. 😢

Ok, here are some HM detox binders/escorters/chelators:

Diatomaceous Earth is a jack of all trades.

It will cut up biofilm (where infectious microbes & HMs dwell), parasites & will bind HMs & escort them out of the body. Work up slowly over time to a tablespoon or 2 daily. It also provides ur body with much needed silica.

Modified Citrus Pectin - miracle supplement.

It would take an in-depth article to expound on all the benefits of ingesting MCP (like fighting cancer) but let’s just say it helps reduce your HM burden effectively.

My Super Tea - Cistus Incanus (best biofilm buster on 🌎 & good HM chelator), Chaga mushroom powder

(Highest antioxidant value of any natural substance), organic whole leaf Stevia (helps with biofilms), Pau D’Arco, ginger, coconut oil.

Brew up this blend & work up to 8 cups per day. Thank me later.

TRS - nanzeolite HM detox product (never used but heard good things).

Quicksilver’s Scientific products like their Biopure metal Sweep product

Chlorella/spirulina powerful HM detox combo

Humic/Fulvic acid, Bentonite clay, & homeopathic lymp/organ detox remedies.

Make sure u eat plenty of garlic & onions. Sulfur is critical for HM detox

Keep in mind that there r 4 phases to HM detox. Phase 0, 1, 2 & 3. Most are not aware of phase 0 & 3 which escort HMs in & out of the liver cells. The strategies listed above will help optimize the delivery & escorting of HMs in/out of the liver.

Lets cover phase 1 & 2 detox

Phase 1 detox consists of oxidation reduction & hydrolysis. Phase one detoxification is catalysed by enzymes referred to as the cytochrome P450 enzyme group. This phase takes a harmful chemical & makes it less harmful.

Phase 2 is called the conjugation pathway..

whereby the liver cells add another substance (eg. cysteine, glycine or a sulphur molecule) to a toxic chemical or drug, to render it less harmful.

U always want 2 go slow with HM detox cuz phase 2 could be overwhelmed just as Phase 1 continues 2 introduce more chemicals

Then these HMs end up getting redeposited in other areas of the body. Foods/supplements to support Phase 1 & 2 detox pathways are covered here 👉

The name of the game is to encourage our body to create as much glutathione ( our master antioxidant)

As it can. This master antioxidant will continue to get depleted via HM detox. Here’s a good list to help boost glutathione production:

In conclusion, HM detox can be a long complicated journey. However, there are plenty of basic practices u can

Undertake which will help upregulate the body to naturally detox HMs. The sicker u r, the more HM toxic u probably r & as a result the more sophisticated u must get in order to rid ur body of HMs.

Good luck & God Speed.


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