Do you guys think it’s possible to abolish celebrity? Like is that remotely feasible? I don’t think so, here’s why:
Technically hasn’t it always existed and always continue to exist, so long as we continue to amplify certain people? Like you can’t be well-known and not be a celebrity in my eyes
Even independent of mass media I think celebrity has always existed and will continue to... people have always been put on pedestals. For example, I don’t think you can have monarchy historically without celebrity...
Also, religion too is celebrity in my eyes when you look at how we’ve come to revere certain figures
How are Buddhism and Christianity and Mormonism (as well as the other religions I didn’t name) not also an extension/example of celebrity?
Do people on social media (influencers) with sizable followings who are calling for the end of celebrity also not realize that on a smaller scale, they with their substantial platforms that amplify their voices could also be considered celebrities in their own right...
Like if people value what you have to say more (not to say they don’t deserve their followings) and as a result amplify your voice and your platform, you’re still a celebrity, although in a different sphere imo.
At what point is there a difference between having fans/stans and having followers/subscribers on social media?
In my eyes, fame and celebrity are synonymous. You can’t be well-known and not ascend to some level of celebrity, no matter how minuscule. I truly don’t think that’s possible.
Honestly religion is the original celebrity culture or standom/fandom in my eyes. If we’re being honest, do people not look to religion for meaning in their life the same way stans/fans do? Both can be weaponized to enact harm and violence too (e.g., homophobia, transphobia, etc)
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