I’ll say a random fact about me with every like on this post UwU
1) I am Latinx. Spanish is my first language
2) I am only 5ft tall
3) I am bisexual with a lean towards men
4) If something I’m watching doesn’t have subtitles, I cannot follow though. I basically can’t comprehend what is going on without them.
5) I started streaming out of impulse.
6) I cut my hair short and dyed it another time out of impulse
7) I am constantly sick. I get sick easily. I suffer from migraines, eye pain and nausea
8) I love DC comics
9) When I was younger, I wouldn’t speak. I wasn’t mute but I had issues with me speaking out and using my voice. I was silent
10) I will forever stand up for others. I won’t sit idly by when there’s such injustices in the world. I spent a lot of my childhood in silence, no more.
11) I am a victim of sexual assault on multiple occasions.
Even if I wasn’t, I will still fight for other victims
12) Before I date someone, I make sure their views align with mine. I am a Latinx, bisexual woman. I need to know this person is going to support me and not be against me
13) I spent a lot of my time single and only dated like 3 people I count

I am content with being alone. I am REALLY picky with who I date because I hate wasting my time
14) At first my goal for streaming was to hit partner. Now as I stream more, I don’t really see it as something I should achieve. I want to make a difference one way or another
15) I am obsessed with serial killers. Spooky sure but I am a psych major with a minor in criminal justice. The whole serial killer mentality fascinates me
16) I am very forgetful.
17) I almost always play snipers in games
18) I honestly never expected to grow so much on Twitch and Twitter. I fear that this will end one day and I am not ready for it
19) I am a baby. I can’t handle spooky stuff and can be a little emotional at times. But I am also angry, passionate and can disregard my own happiness for someone else
20) Opal is my favorite gemstone.
21) I actually really like singing but no one has really heard me sing
22) I started doing OnlyFans after joking about charging for lewds. My boyfriend supported me and even helped me set it up ☠️
23) I LOVE simps. I can never have enough. Like yes, I can never get enough of people treating me with respect
24) Treasure Planet is my favorite Disney movie
25) I don’t have much of a sweet tooth but I love chocolate covered strawberries.
26) I had an eating disorder when I was younger. So I am not too upset I gained weight but I still wanna loose it
27) I have never seen snow lmao. It snowed when I was a month old but I don’t count that lol
28) I don’t know how to swim or ride a bike ._.
29) I am like super feisty lol
30) I can and will forever be petty
31) Roses and dahlias are my favorite flowers
32) Buy me food and you will have my heart
33) Cherry Coke is my favorite soft drink
34) I don’t wear makeup. I get anxious when I have something on my face and I want to scratch it off
35) I am 21 years old. I still feel like I missed out on a lot compared to my peers
36) I am a slut for Nintendo. I guess you can say I am a Nintenhoe
37) It is safe to say that at any given moment, I am thinking about food
38) I can be very lewd sometimes 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
39) I love sleeping. I tend to nap often
40) I’ve been told I’m very childlike and need to be watched closely. I don’t think anyone wants to take me places because I get distracted and disappear
So they have to go through the whole store to find me lol
41) I enjoy sex. I think it’s something that’s natural and should be talked about more.

Practice safe sex. Look into different birth control types. What works for someone may not work for you. Only do it if you feel ready. Get tested for STI’s often.
42) I enjoy painting and would love to do a painting stream but I’m too shy ;-;
43) I grew up in a very strict household so even as an adult, I feel guilty for going out
44) My Top 5 fictional men
1) Marco from Star Vs the Forces of Evil
2) Chrom from Fire Emblem: Awakening
3) Eugene from Rapunzel
4) Sylvain from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
5) Jesse McCree from Overwatch
45) Legend of Zelda: Twlight Princess is one of my favorite games. It will forever hold a special place in my heart
My sister got me the game for my 15th birthday after I told her I wanted a LoZ game. I originally wanted SS but fell in love with TP
46) My mother got me into video games. She used to play Super Mario on the NES and was good at it before she got sick. So she kept getting us Nintendo systems to play the newer Mario games
47) My cousin was the one who got me into Legend of Zelda. Now it’s my favorite game series
48) If I like you, I tease you. I find it hard to just be sweet all the time. That’s a little boring. I like being able to mess around and have fun with my significant other
49) I unfollow people if they have shitty takes, do not support me and everything I stand for or are sexist, racist, ect

I do not follow just anyone but some people just showed their true colors due to BLM movement and victims speaking up.
50) System of a Down is my favorite band
51) My first cosplay was actually a gender bend version of Chucky (the killer doll). I have zero pictures so don't ask lol.
52) I tend to be a little blunt and some people get upset over it. I promise I do not it to be rude but whenever I try to be nice, my point never gets across. Or y'all don't take me seriously
53) I HATE when people message me to "get to know me". Stop it, you wont get to know me that way. Stop by my streams, look at my tweets and whatnot. That's how you get to know me. Plus why the fuck do you want to know me in the DM's. Just be straightforward with what you want
54) I worked at McDonald’s for about 3 years. I quit in the middle of my shift after working 6 or 7 hours without my first break. The store manager was on his phone

I worked at Taco Bell for 9 months and I was treated worse. Be nice to fast food workers
55) I am the middle child
56) If I ever get married, I won’t take my spouse’s last name. I’ll change my last name to my mother’s maiden name and hyphen my spouse’s last name
57) Corgis and weinnie dogs are my absolute favorite dogs
58) I get tongue tied when speaking. I have some problems speaking and I know I talk fast
59) Girls with short hair are my weakness
60) I have a weak immune system so me getting COVID may be devastating...
I am really careful but it’s still a fear of mine
61) Despite knowing what I am doing is wrong. I am unable to process my emotions in a healthy manner...
62) I love being spoiled but feel so guilty when someone spoils me
63) I have never smoked weed
64) I confuse my right and my left sometimes ;-;
65) Percy Jackson are my favorite book series
66) Aqua from Konosuba is the best character that describes how I am
67) I collect a few things: sea shells, figures and funko pops. It always started as gifts and I kept getting more as gifts lol
68) Halloween is my absolute favorite
69) I am both introverted and extroverted

I can talk to people but will eventually need to recharge. It can and does exhaust me when I speak to a lot of people. I need my alone time sometimes 😇
70) I always have to have background noise whenever I am doing something
While I enjoy silence, no noise makes me anxious so I need to have something playing while i game and whatnot
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