ot5’s only having a problem with something when it’s about harry: a thread
please you need to see this
but they say we shouldn’t compare
again with the comparisons
i have no words for this one
they get angry when solo harries compare harry’s numbers with the others but they have no problem comparing 1d’s numbers to others
i have to add this, they wanted harry to “speak up about the toxicity of his fandom” they even made emails to send to his management, but they stayed silent about the cherryftwalls thing
“i want all the boys to get grammy noms but if harry does remember that those awards are rigged”
once again we can’t compre but they surely can
they constantly complain about their fave not getting enough promo from his team but they also complain that hshq promotes h, their “other fave”, a lot
they’re begging the calm app to have l*uis doing the same thing that harry did, when they threw a tantrum when harries decided to do a tik tok challenge too, claimed that harry was profiting off anxiety/stress and whining because liam did the same and nO oNe TaLkEd aBouT iT
will this thread ever end
no problem with liam not wearing a mask
it’s been a while since the last time i updated
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