Alright, as promised. Let’s begin:

Will start with menopause because it’s the most recent misconception I’ve encountered. Menopause does not start at 40 for majority of women. The actual average age of menopause is 51. And if you understand the way that bell curves work,
it means that most menopausal women fall under 2 standard deviations of the mean. 40 is outside that range, which means 40 is actually a rare age to undergo menopause. In fact, a woman that undergoes what seems to be menopause at the age of 40, is more likely to be diagnosed
with something called “Premature menopause” likely due to premature ovarian failure. And even just the name implies that this is not the usual physiologic expectation from the normal process of aging. It’s not normal to go through menopause at 40, there’s an underlying disease.
NEXT: Infertility (what Nigerians like to call barrenness) is often not due to many prior abortions. In fact, prior abortions do not even crack the top 10 reasons for female infertility. Some top reasons are: PCOS, hormonal imbalances, endometriosis and structural abnormalities.
And I can’t believe I have to state this, but “spiritual reasons” are not even on the board at all. No babalawo is tying your womb, and no pastor is the key to opening it up. Bundle up that nonsense mentality, roast it with corn and throw it in the trash where it belongs.
Also male infertility accounts for 1/3rd of the reasons why a couple is unable to conceive. Get him checked. “Barrenness” btw, is an offensive term. If a doctor in the West used that to refer to a woman’s infertility, he/she would likely be fired or face some disciplinary action.
NEXT: Many studies have shown that the number one feeling or emotion that most women experience long-term after an abortion, is not actually regret or sorrow. It’s relief. Not surprising, given the fact that most women undergo abortions because
they know they aren’t mentally, physically or financially ready to take care of a baby. Making one mistake isnt a valid reason to keep making it. Your attempted shaming for women who’ve had abortions runs hollow & the sentiment behind it, is not backed by any research. Do better.
NEXT: Don’t play with STDS. They might seem mild & something you just treat with antibiotics, but re-exposure to STDs can give you cancer (HPV), make you infertile, & some can even kill you. Stop collecting unprotected penis from community penis men, & tell that nïgga to wrap up.
Or you could wrap up yourself and wear a female condom. Beyond STDs, there are certain non-STDs that are sexually transmitted. I know that sounds confusing, but bear with me. The reason we refer to Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV & HPV as STDs, is because of their potential ability to
cause secondary negative effects like infertility, reproductive system damage, cancer and death. But there are other sexually transmitted germs, like “Gardnerella vaginalis” which causes bacterial vaginosis - the commonly characterized “fishy smell” infection.
It’s sexually transmitted, but it’s only main risk is that it increases your chance of getting other actual STDS. Also of course, the embarrassing smells & itchiness. Boric acid is a fantastic medication for this, btw. Just insert the pill vaginally & watch it work wonders.
I have more, but this thread is already getting long lol, and since this is about halfway, I think it’s a good place to stop for now.

Stay safe and stay tuned for the rest tomorrow! ♥️
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