Similarities between MitsuTaki and NaruHina / Mitsuha and Hinata / Taki and Naruto bc theyre 2 of my god-tier favorite otps and I love them and I’m a sucker for parallels (a thread):
Mitsuha and Hinata:
- mothers died when they were young
- have a younger sister
- father is absent from their lives/cold towards them
- father is an important figure in their village and they as the first born must deal with that
- have long and short hair at some point
Mitsuha and Hinata continued:
- red string of fate theme with love interest
- both (almost) die when they are teenagers
- one or more timeskips before they're finally with their love interest
- have 2 close friends/teammates
- born in December
- Family inherits a special ability
- family has an ancient duty related to a warning about something in space (moon / comet)
- blushes frequently
- beautiful
- my favorites
Taki and Naruto:
- mother no longer in their lives
- crush on a girl that isn’t their love interest
- becomes friends with this girl
- saves their love interest
- received physical red string of fate from their love interest
- oblivious to true feelings for their love interest
Taki and Naruto continued:
- have 2-3 very close friends/teammates
- their prior crush and one of their close guy friends end up marrying each other
- get into fights/can be aggressive
- see flashbacks of their love interest’s life
- they have many timeskips
- can be a pervert
- tell their love interest “i love you”
- go on a long journey in order to be reunited with their love interest
- have a job as a teen (part-time waiter / ninja)
- an only child
- live in an apartment
MitsuTaki and NaruHina:
- get married after a timeskip while in their 20’s
- have music dedicated to them/their love story
- happy ending
- their friends get married
- need to stop a cosmic disaster from causing a large amount of death
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