Hold on to your horses, I am planning to read @FieldofFight by @GenFlynn
General Mike Flynn was a victim of a hoax by Obama and Co. and was recently exonerated.
I was very interested and decided to buy the book on Kindle and read it, will give my thoughts below.
I find this very important given the importance of General Flynn in the current political landscape and in the Trump administration, and given my own worldview mixed of classical Islamic conservatism and American conservatism.
Another reason why I find this important is as we all know, Obama and his cabal were very interested in keeping the Middle East destabalized while also preaching against "Islamophobia".
When in reality most Muslims here were scared. We couldn't tell a terrorist from a good guy.
We've had a terrorist attack on a Shi'a Mosque, a bomber.
We've had actual terrorist organizers sending reckless teenagers to bomb themselves in Syria (and I know a real example 7 years ago)
Thankfully our government took strong action against terrorism and things are better now.
I will start posting my thoughts on the book in this thread.
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