I also want to talk about one of the more insidious forms of ageism on the left and that's the disregard for the young. All too often I see folks talking down to young people and this is a mistake. For one thing, fellow millennials, if you do this I genuinely don't understand you
Millennials were fucking abused to hell and fuck by the generations older than us, in ways no other generation has seen before, and now you're going to shit on younger people? Seriously? You've learned nothing? Not one thing?
a) Stop talking about younger people as if they don't know anything. Especially us millennials should know for a certainty that the generations our parents and our grandparents have been and still are as a rule ignorant of far too many things.
Now millennials are starting to repeat the same mistakes again. We deserve the hatred we get from gen z.
b) Stop talking about kids as if they have no agency or say over their own lives and identities. "Meh meh trans kids can't possibly know they're trans."

I did. I knew when I was 3. I knew when I was 7. I knew when I was 12. I knew when I was 16.
"...but kids are too young..."

If their parents have failed them, they don't have other options.

Especially if the options are survive or die.
c) Stop being the sad millennial trying to fit in. Stop being the sad millennial crying because kids stuff today doesn't speak to you the way kids stuff did back in the 80's.

Start listening.
Start understanding that young people's stuff isn't made for you.
d) Remember how the boomers and gen-x-ers sounded when they shat on us for: liking our music, our books, movies, our friends, our hobbies, our choices, breathing, existing in general?

That's literally what millenials sound like 99% of the time talking about gen-z.
e) Millennials got screwed over big. We got a very, very shit deal.

It's our responsibility as Millennials not to make those same mistakes again.

Vote for better candidates.

Challenge bigotry where you see it in your own life.

Gen-Z doesn't deserve the shit we leave them.
f) Stop treating your kids like indentured servants.
Stop treating your kids like property.
Stop sexualising your kids.
Stop gendering your kids against their wishes.
Stop trying to turn your kids into mini-yous.
Stop treating your kids like playdough.
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